Scale was heavily inspired by video above
FMS and Hoeflation:
FMS stands for Fun, Money, Social Value, and this is the scale that determines your value(SMV-> Sexual market value) in the meatmarket.
As You will see, this has NOTHING to do with your actual value(AV), I go as far to say that AV is the total opposite of SMV.
The Scale:
The scale goes from 0 to 10.
Only the Fun value matters in the first round, Money and Social Value are applied as bonuses.
The Scale can not go over 10.
The Fun value is a 0-10 number, which deprecates ~3 points every year in which you are in a relationShit with the "target".
Only, and only if you have a high Fun value, will a SheMale(Female) actually "Luv" you.
How can I be Fun?:
The problem starts here. To achieve "Fun", you have to be a dark creature.
Think about your local Maffia, Biker Gang, Drug cartel, etc.
To any Male that is not one of these it's obvious that these are the worst creatures on the planet.
However the female wants only wants "Fun" and wants it now.
In this article I go into what goes into the "Fun" other than dark traits
If you have morals, say goodbye to SheMales.
Impossible standard:
It is obvious that most of us don't want to be criminals of the lowest kind.
Even for those criminals, the value decreases 3 points every year, so a relationShit won't last for long.
This all boils down to a lose-lose scenario for men and women alike.
Money is a supplementary value, that is added if the Fun is not sufficient.
Note that the female's "Luv" will not increase, only her desire to mine you for your resources.
Social value(SV):
Same as the money, this is a bonus that adds in when the Fun is insufficient.
Note that the female's "Luv" will not increase, only her desire to mine you for your status.
A rare scenario:
In most cases the man with high SV also has a high fun value as pleasure has became the only thing the west values.
If that is not the case the Female will gravitate towards the High status man, but always chase the high Fun in the background.
Essentially if you are high status Female's will like you the same way as they like the rich guy.
Actual Value 404 not found:
As you can see, what men value(AV) is not represented anywhere.
If you want to get a Female, you must not have any moral values/ethics, instead you must be "Fun".
And some men will do it.
They will abandon their AV to get some.
Those who keep to their morals get "rewarded" with woman in their late 30s/40s who have been "bombarded" more than fort Douaumont in the battle of Verdun.
The split:
Due to the FMS scale Male society spilts into three:
- the "Chad"(High Fun value)
- SIMP(Suckers Idolizing medicore pussy)
Team Chad:
Team Chad is trying to play by the new rules, essentially doing adapt and overcome.
This is brutally expensive, both in time and in currency.
-For time you need a LONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG workout, you need to go to places to find the SheMales and play the stupid pickup game risking a Sexual harassment case(and life) for a STINKY HOLE.
-And you need some SHINY and NEW stuff to attract them and so on and so forth(PUA), check out for this stuff
Team MGTOW abandons the game fully and focuses on surviving and having a jolly good time.
MGTOW/Chad and the "fall":
After enough Simps got into their team, society crumbles as there is not enough slave labor from men.
For us, this is good. For women, not as much, but they are "STRONK AND INDEPENDENT AND NEED NO MEN" so they'll fix it, none of our concern.
Our only job is to spread the word and laugh our asses off.
The hoes are getting fatter and more crazy.
Meanwhile due to the rapid spread of PUA , the male SMV is rapidly increasing.
the 80/20 rule, and it's inflation:
The 80/20 rule, is the application of the pareto principle onto the meatmarket.
The rule states that 80% of women want 20% of men.
When I started reading this was a common topic, sometimes people increased it to 90/10.
Now, a year and a half later it's inflated to 95/5.
This is what I call Super Pareto, as it is a "better", more powerful, drastic version of the pareto principle.
Reason for HoeFlation, the "shock effect" on social media:
In Bitchland, Male attention is currency.
If you look at any social media site, you will see that SheMales get a shitton more attention than men.
To get attention however, they need to do something new, something never seen before, something shocking, while staying conformist to society.
As society supports female entitlement, but despises women submitting to men, the only thing our subject can do is to be more entitled.
To constantly achieve this, darker and darker, more and more is always required.
This is the reason why the modern hoe is getting more and more entitled, what was shocking yesterday is normal today and enforced tomorrow.
And the cult of Evil is using this to get their satanic desires legalised.
Male armsrace for Nothing:
Obviously the average man realised that he ain't getting it now.
100 years ago a 4 got a 4, a 7 got a 7, so every man got some.
As the FMS scale became the female rating system, now a 7 male can get 3-5 woman, a 8 man a 4-6 woman, if you are a 10 you can get everything.
As a result men are intentionally increasing their SMV(see PUA) to try and get the same "Action" they got a 100 years ago with minimal effort.
But as the male value is constantly increasing, the standard itself rises.
So what was a 8 10 years ago is now just a 6.
If you are a 6 or below, you are not getting it period.
Now men have to work more to get less, that is a losers game.
Ultimately the PUA strategy backfired on man, and now only the very top(which is the very bottom of mankind) gets "Action", and they get all of it.
In a miltary sense, men now need to have massive armies to secure the same territory they used to hold with a few garrison troops.
Try the scale:
Here I rate myself on the scale:
I am a christian and practice restraint against all vices, I am also antisocial.
See FMS II for more details on calcualting Fun.
Studying, have reserves but those are locked
Social value:
At the very bottom of the class hierarchy, I just don't care about it
My freedom is guaranteed.
Rate yourself and tell me if the scale is incorrect, people with field experience especially.
Images taken from:
Last modified:2023-11-15